What Teeth Do Attachments Go On For Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that uses clear aligners to straighten teeth. Attachments, buttons, and points are small accessories used to attach or anchor elastic bands and provide an anchor point that helps direct the force of the aligner more effectively and predictably. They are made of a type of material called composite resin, the same material used for dental fillings. Attachments are usually placed on the front and side teeth for the most effective results, not on the back teeth, but it all depends on your specific case.

SmartForce accessories use exclusive state-of-the-art designs and premium materials to provide the most effective support for your Invisalign treatment, resulting in beautiful, healthy and long-lasting smiles. Invisalign attachments are small, tooth-colored “bumps” that are attached to teeth using dental compounds. They can be tooth-colored or metal, depending on location. Metal ones are usually used on the back teeth, since no one will see them.

This geometry may sound silly, but it's not arbitrary. The attachments may be in different places, but they all work together for one purpose: to straighten teeth permanently. Points are strategically placed to give Invisalign aligners a better grip, acting as small anchors to apply the force needed to move a tooth and its root. Another type of accessory you may need for your Invisalign aligners is called a button. Invisalign buttons are small hooks that attach to the tooth surface.

These small hooks act as anchors for interarched bands that are used to correct problems such as underbites or overbites. The buttons are colored to match the tone of your teeth to stay subtle. Aligners come with small cutouts to make room for buttons. An Invisalign attachment adheres to the tooth with the use of a composite resin and is easily removed with a polishing tool. This will not cause any damage to your teeth or cause any pain.

Depending on your specific location and the shade of the composite bonding material used, these Invisalign accessories may be more or less obvious. Invisalign treatments don't always require Invisalign accessories. With the help of an Invisalign treatment simulation, your dentist will be able to determine if any phase of your treatment will require the placement of Invisalign accessories. Aligners won't be able to do this on their own, but adding accessories will allow them to move these teeth to their proper positions. They allow aligners, which sometimes cannot make alignment changes on their own due to the size, shape, or angle of a specific tooth, to move with a little extra force to move the teeth to their proper locations. If you are interested in treatment with Invisalign without accessories, ask your orthodontist if this works for your specific condition and how long your treatment could last. Yes, you can safely get professional teeth whitening with Invisalign accessories; it won't damage or discolor accessories.

Invisalign accessories are best kept on throughout the course of treatment, but in certain cases they can be removed. Not all cases require attachments; some simpler cases may not need them for aligners to move teeth properly. With the advent of Invisalign technology, straightening teeth has become quite convenient and comfortable. Once your Invisalign treatment is complete, any accessories you received will be cleaned of your teeth completely; no one will ever know they were there. If you want to learn more about Invisalign, its accessories and where they are expected to be placed, be sure to talk to your dentist during your initial consultation.