What is Invisalign and How Does it Work?

Many people are familiar with traditional metal braces, but Invisalign is a newer orthodontic treatment that straightens teeth without the use of metal braces. Invisalign is a series of custom-made transparent braces that cover teeth and gently place them in the correct position over time. Because they are transparent and can be put on and off, they are less visible than traditional metal appliances. Invisalign is classified as an orthodontic treatment, which means that many dental insurance plans cover it the same way they cover braces.

Your insurance can pay a certain percentage of your treatment with Invisalign, or you can pay a certain amount in dollars. There is often a lifetime limit on how much insurance will pay for orthodontic treatment. Invisalign is not just a cosmetic treatment; it is a functional treatment for people who want to improve their smiles. These include patients who may have problems chewing, crowding their teeth, or overbiting.

To determine if you are a candidate for Invisalign, you should schedule a consultation with a dentist. If you have dental insurance that covers Invisalign, you may pay a percentage of your treatment costs or a fixed dollar amount. Plans can cover 25% to 50% of the cost of your Invisalign treatment. You can also explore a wide range of dental savings and discount plans that can help you save on Invisalign treatment.

A flexible savings account, or FSA, is an account you can use to pay certain medical, dental, and orthodontic costs, including Invisalign clear aligners. Invisalign treatment can last as little as 3 months and up to a year or longer, depending on the involvement of the bite alignment and the condition of crooked teeth. Clear aligners can be a good alternative to Invisalign and may be more affordable, especially if you have several children who need braces or aligners. Maintaining your oral hygiene routine will be easier with Invisalign due to the freedom to remove aligners when eating. It usually takes two to three months for most patients to notice the results of treatment with Invisalign and three to four months for others to notice the results in their smile.

We file claims with the insurance company on your behalf and provide you with a breakdown of Invisalign treatment. In conclusion, Invisalign is an effective orthodontic treatment that can help improve your smile without the use of metal braces. Many dental insurance plans cover Invisalign just like other orthodontic treatments, such as conventional appliances. If you have dental insurance and have chosen to be treated by the family dentist in Chicago, you can be sure that the family dentist will accept payment for Invisalign from the insurance provider.