Can Invisalign Change the Shape of Your Face?

In addition to just giving straight teeth, Invisalign also has the ability to reshape the shape, appearance, and profile of the face. A crooked tooth can influence the shape of the face, while an overbite can cause the upper lip to protrude. Orthodontic treatment can straighten teeth and create an ideal bite, but how does Invisalign and braces change the shape of your face? The answer is yes, although the extent of the change will depend on the type and severity of your malocclusion. During your treatment with Invisalign, you will use a set of plastic aligners over your upper or lower teeth.

These aligners will gradually move your teeth to better positions inside your mouth. If your dental problems are minor, this orthodontic technique will likely improve the appearance of your smile without changing the overall shape of your face. Before treatment with Invisalign, if your lips were being pushed out due to protruding teeth, you may notice a difference in your mouth after treatment. If you had previously suffered an underbite, overbite, or crossbite, after any treatment with Invisalign, you may see a slight change in the shape of your face. In most cases, any physical changes to your face after treatment with Invisalign will be minimal and barely noticeable.

People often wonder if orthodontic treatments can cause specific changes in facial structure. The key purpose of invisible aligners is to reorganize the structure of the teeth. Effects of tooth movement may be slightly visible on the jaw or other facial area. When you finish treatment with Invisalign, you may notice a slight change in the shape of your mouth. To illustrate these changes in action, let's look at some examples. You can feel very different from yourself when you have braces and wires in your teeth or when you wear Invisalign trays.

Before you start adjusting your teeth with Invisalign, you may be wondering how it will affect your appearance in the future. Invisalign is an excellent alternative treatment for adults and adolescents who don't want metal braces and are looking for a virtually invisible method to improve their smile. Invisalign is very likely to improve your appearance, as it can correct minor misalignments in the jaw and teeth. If you are interested in Invisalign treatment but have questions, Sims Orthodontics would love to talk to you. For some patients, there is little or no change in the face, and for others, facial enhancements are actually a key part of their treatment plan.

However, others might be more cautious, first considering how treatments such as Invisalign can affect their appearance. Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that can be used to straighten teeth, close gaps between teeth, and correct many other dental problems. Changes to the face before and after wearing braces or Invisalign are always more dramatic for skeletal concerns and problems that are moderate to severe. Undergoing Invisalign treatment will help you align the structure of your teeth and give you a proper position to achieve the desired smile. However, in most cases, a mild or moderate bite problem can be solved with strategic use of Invisalign. However, if the braces adjust the upper teeth and jaws enough that it changes the shape of your profile in that area, it could make it look like your nose looks a little different from the side.