What Hurts More: Invisalign or Braces?

Invisalign is often referred to as painless, but it is less painful than metal braces. Pain mainly occurs when moving your teeth and straightening a bite. Most people report discomfort during the first few days of using the trays and some sensitivity, but compared to the agony of metal braces, Invisalign wins by being less painful. With Invisalign, you will receive a new set of aligners every two weeks.

The first few days of wearing a new set can cause pain. However, Invisalign versus braces is less painful overall. Choosing an Invisalign in Pasadena gives you fewer adjustments to make if you choose traditional metal braces that still require adjustments with minor discomfort. So, how painful is Invisalign? And what are the ways to ease that pain? Here we will discuss Invisalign pain level and how to relieve pain during treatment.

Invisalign is generally thought to hurt less than traditional braces, which are also referred to as “fixed braces”. You may be wondering “are braces or invisalign more painful?” Moving teeth with Invisalign can be uncomfortable and painful, just like traditional braces. However, there are also fewer mouth and gum problems with Invisalign. Invisalign retainers are made of a special plastic and fit each patient's mouth, so unlike braces, there are usually no cuts on the inside of the cheeks or salt washes to treat.

The legacy of traditional metal braces has many people wondering if Invisalign treatments hurt. While the pain associated with any orthodontic treatment may not be particularly severe, Invisalign is almost universally less painful than traditional orthodontic appliances. Of course, any procedure that physically moves and straightens teeth comes with at least a little discomfort. Once the teeth adjust to the gradual movement promoted by Invisalign, the associated pain will tend to decrease.

Invisalign discomfort can be caused by the pressure of the aligners against the teeth and also by the pressure of having the Invisalign aligners in place. In addition to putting pressure on the teeth, traditional metal braces tend to rub against the inside of the mouth, scratching sensitive tissue inside the mouth. Over time, this sensitive tissue forms calluses that protect against this friction, but until then, traditional metal braces can be very uncomfortable. Also with metal appliances, there is always a risk of metal cables breaking or coming out of their housing, which can cause them to painfully get into the soft tissue inside the mouth.

While Invisible braces such as Invisalign don't pose the same risk of breaking or breaking wires, their edges can irritate the gums and the inside of the mouth as you get used to using them. In most cases, it only takes a couple of weeks to adjust to the Invisalign sensation and for calluses to form; once these calluses form, this irritation is almost non-existent. Invisible braces such as Invisalign are used to move your teeth and give you a better smile. Like traditional braces, Invisalign can cause discomfort as your teeth move to their best position.

In general, it is less painful than traditional orthodontic appliances and, like any type of orthodontic treatment, the pain subsides after the teeth adapt to the use of the aligners and the new aligners are changed. There Are Some Sources of Pain When It Comes To Invisalign. These are, firstly, the pain that occurs when the aligners press against the teeth and, secondly, the pain that occurs when having the aligners in your mouth. Invisalign treatment hurts but is less painful than metal braces and like many types of orthodontic treatment in Pasadena, the pain goes away once the teeth adjust to the use of Invisalign aligners.

If you experience gum pain from Invisalign you can help relieve it with dental wax; most cases heal easily within 48 hours or less. Like Invisalign, lingual braces are a fully customized option making them more expensive than traditional braces. Depending on your specific problem some treatments are difficult if not impossible to achieve with Invisalign alone so your orthodontist may consider finishing tooth positions with braces which could result in more expensive treatment. The type of orthodontic treatment that is right for you also depends on your type of orthodontic problem you need to correct; sometimes Invisalign isn't always best option for some patients so it's essential to get expert advice from your orthodontist before committing to these dental aligners.

The main reason why treatment with Invisalign fails is mainly related to patient's lack of compliance with use of aligners; because purpose of Invisalign is move teeth only way they can work is by applying pressure so it's important for patients understand all risk factors before committing these dental aligners.